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All our training courses are given by trainers who are trained and certified by Flipmonday. Are you an independent trainer (or do you want to become one) and do you want to add our training courses to your portfolio? Then sign up for one of our certification days.
The costs for certification are € 2,450 excluding VAT. For this you get:
This is an investment that you can earn back in a short time by providing training. Would you like to become certified but not invest in it yourself and especially train for us? Then there is also an arrangement where you do not have to invest in advance, but pay off your certification afterwards by providing training at a reduced rate. Please contact us for the possibilities.
In our Time Management training you teach people a concrete system based on Outlook and OneNote. The system provides peace of mind and overview, so that people can work on the things they really care about.
You can register directly for one of our certification days with the form below. Michelle Wiesman will then contact you to discuss the next steps.
Would you like more information or discuss the possibilities first? Click here to directly plan a call with Michelle.
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